Parallel Gallery
and Journal

Siting the Body
footnote 23

Etymological roots are indicated by the sign ç.

Language groups are as follows: SKT: Sanscrt; E: Egyptian; HB: Hebrew; GK: Greek; L: Latin; AS: Anglo Saxon; ME: Middle English; OHG: Old High German; G: German; OFR: Old French; FR: French; IT: Italian; ICL: Icelandic; N: Nordic; SW: Swedish.

Light - çleuq; L: lux, lumen = light; luna = moon (lunatic); GK: leukos = white, bright; luknos = light, lamp; AS: leoht = light; lihtan = to shine; SKT: laghus = light; ruch = to shine (lucid, lucifer, lustre); L: lignum = wood (ligneous); HB: owr/aor = light, fire - çA = power, çR = intrinsic motion: that which holds to its central principle, that is strong, vigorous, productive; that which flows, fluidity, river; fire, light, ardour; çAOR (çO = sign of convertibility, of the link between non-being and being) = desire delivered to its intrinsic motion; ardour; fire, that which inflames, burns (cf. FR: or = gold, ore; see order - L: orire = to rise (as the sun), and rhythm: çRT = articulated vibration + çME = measure; that is, the uprising of articulate, correct and right measure). In the Greek, ornamentation or decoration (cosmema) is literally the measuring-out of order (cosmou).