Etymological roots are indicated by the sign ç.
Language groups are as follows: SKT: Sanscrt; E: Egyptian; HB: Hebrew; GK:
Greek; L: Latin; AS: Anglo Saxon; ME: Middle English; OHG: Old High
German; G: German; OFR: Old French; FR: French; IT: Italian; ICL:
Icelandic; N: Nordic; SW: Swedish.
Matter - L: materia = matter, wood, timber (materials or stuff useful for construction, building etc.); matrix = womb; mater = mother; cf. mattress - Arabic: matrah = place, station, foundation, through taraha with the sense of prostrate (cf. L: stratum = spread); GK: me/mete = negation; men = affirmation, month; metra = matrix; cf. substance, stuff. çME/MED = to measure; SKT: ma; L: metior = I measure; modus = a measure; AS: metan = to mete. HB: çMT = externalising action (M) meeting resistance (T): motion or emotion given to some thing, downward movement; çMD: externalising action united to elementary division, measure, dimension, mensuration, measurement of extension; that which extends, lengthens, deploys; çMAD = that which fully fills and achieves the measure of its potentialities and possibilities; + çR = intrinsic motion, vibration, renewal.