Etymological roots are indicated by the sign ç.
Language groups are as follows: SKT: Sanscrt; E: Egyptian; HB: Hebrew; GK: Greek; L: Latin; AS: Anglo Saxon; ME: Middle English; OHG: Old High German; G: German; OFR: Old French; FR: French; IT: Italian; ICL: Icelandic; N: Nordic; SW: Swedish.
GK: polos = pivot, hinge, axis, pole (pile, pillar, pilaster, pulley); L: pila = a pier or mole of stone; pelein = to be in motion - as motion around the poles; L: pellere = to drive (cf. pulse, from pulsus = a beating, throb, vibration - as driven; çQEL = to drive); GK: pelas, L: pellis = skin (FR: peau); çPEL = to flay, skin (pelt). GK: pilos = felt; L: pilus = hair; pilare = deprive of hair, to skin (pull, peel, pillage, pilfer); ME: pelf = to rob property; AS: fell = skin (film), cf. pall = cloak, mantle, shroud - from palla = mantle, loose dress. See note 47 above, and Plato, Cratylus: 405-6, for a definition of the name Apollo (aplous = the single one) in terms of the solar god's 4 attributes: musician (omopolon = moving together, presiding over harmony); prophet (aplos = diviner; aplous = sincere); healer (apolouon = purifier, purger; apolon = destroyer); and archer (a ei ballon = everdarting - the archer who never misses).